2010年7月22日 星期四




I Have a Dream         

By Jer-Shung Lin(林衡哲)


I have a dream that one day

The bell will ring

Of freedom and democracy

Throughout the Taiwan island.

From Taipei in the North to Hengchun in the South,

From Hwalian in the east to Lugang in the West.


I have a dream that one day

The discrimination will be extinguished

Of origins of provinces and parties.

Everyone is the disciple of freedom and democracy

Of Dr. Sun Yet-Sen and Dr. Chiang Wei-Shui

The able and virtuous persons will be chosen

To serve the people and country.

Politics will become the dedication of purity and altruism

Instead of being the patent of the privileged few.


I have a dream that one day

Taiwan people will more treasure

The modernization of politics, culture, and spirit

Than that of materialism.


I have a dream that one day

One will be judged

On one’s excellence, ability, and sincerity of serving the people

Instead of the position, privilege, or wealth that one owns.


I have a dream that one day

Everyone can live in our beloved homeland – Taiwan

As a free man.

And no one has to go overseas drifting around the world

As yellow Jewish people.


I have a dream that one day

We can create a country

That has no political prisoners, on prisoners of writings, and no forbidden books;

That allows diversities of cultures to blossom

Of Taiwanese, Chinese, and cultures of all over the world;

That will become a Switzerland in the Eastern Hemisphere

As a symbol of Oriental civilization.


I have a dream that one day

We Orphans of Asia can stand up by ourselves

To protect our own country and land

Instead of relying on foreign shelter;

To keep our self-respect as a nation

So that other nations will treat us as equal.


I have a dream that one day

We can create a society of ration

That is filled with ideals, energetic and modern thinkings

That is not corrupted by money and power.


I have a dream that one day

Our Life as an “adopted daughter” will end

And we are no longer the second class citizens of any people

But masters of our own;

We will join our effort, heart by heart, hand in hand

To set up the first country of freedom

That has been non-existent some five thousand years

Among Han nationality.


I have a dream that one day

This most hard-working nation

Will become the most persistent nation

In the pursuit of freedom and democracy.

We are determined to abandon the imperial tradition

That has ruled us for five thousand years;

To establish a new nation of independence

Of the people, by the people, and for the people

That will exist in the human history forever

And will never perish from the earth.

I have a dream that one day

We Taiwanese can control our own fate and future

Instead of being decided by some super power or the People’s the Republic of China.

We hope that our dream of creating an ideal country of happiness an freedom

Will come true in our generation on this Beautiful Island

The our younger generations will live here blissfully forever.


I have a dream that one day

Taiwan will once again join the United Nations

To restore our Taiwanese people’s international status

And the Republic of Taiwan will become a country of prominence in Asia and in the world.


2 則留言:

  1. 林醫師,您必不寂寞....,因為這是許多台灣人共同的夢!


  2. 新的一年已進入倒數計時
    勝惠 敬上
